Sunday, December 18, 2016

Allison Jornlin

UFO’s, cryptids and ghosts, oh my! Talking anything and everything strange with Milwaukee’s Allison Jornlin.

On a chilly December morning Jornlin chatted with aspiring journalist Jenna Buege to discuss her experience in the paranormal research field. Jornlin’s fascination with the unknown stems back to her grade school days. It was there that she recalled spending hours in the school library looking for answers. “I was always fascinated in ghosts,” said Jornlin, “I was always interested in the big questions.” Growing up Jornlin hoped to have spooky experiences of her own but nothing of note ever happened. Today, Jornlin still pursues this curiosity working as the founder of Milwaukee Ghost Tours and Investigations as well as co-hosting podcast “See you on the other side”. Her inquiries have earned her respect in the paranormal research field. Jornlin was named the 2016 Wisconsin researcher of the year at the Milwaukee Paranormal Conference this past October.

Milwaukee Ghost Tours and Investigations was inspired by the odder historical happenings of brew city. “There are so many great Milwaukee stories that should be shouted from the rooftops” said Jornlin. One such story is that of John Lee from England who became known as the man who couldn’t hang. “Three times the trap door failed, after the third time they put him in prison,” said Jornlin, “50 years later he got out and guess where he moved, Milwaukee.” Jornlin told the story of Lee and many others during her panel titled Milwaukee Forteana at the Milwaukee Paranormal Conference. Forteana is a term used to characterize various strange phenomena. The panel focused on all things strange such as UFO’s, cryptids, and ghosts. One man who acted as an inspiration for Jornlin’s research on Forteana was Richard Crow. Crow was the first person to bring ghost tours to the United States in 1973. Crow was also the host of a radio talk show featuring a Halloween special on haunted Chicagoland once a year. “I love the idea that history is this living thing,” said Jornlin, “it is important to remember those who have gone before you.”

For every believer in the paranormal there is also a skeptic. Individuals may prefer to stand on the side of science believing everything has an explanation. Surprisingly enough, despite her many years in the paranormal research field Jornlin still considers herself a skeptic. In a previous interview with Marc Nobleman she said the following. “I am skeptical in the truest sense of the word,” said Jornlin, “I don’t know what is out there. I just know there are anomalies that have yet to be explained and I seek answers regardless of what they may be.” Jornlin’s podcast “See you on the other side” provides her with the perfect opportunity to explore these unknowns. The podcast is a family affair, Jornlin works with her brother Mike Huberty and Wendy Lynn Staats. The podcast discusses everything from the recent phantom clown phenomena to strange road trip destinations. The “See you on the other side” crew was also in attendance at this year’s Milwaukee Paranormal conference. Milwaukee local Jake Buege attended the podcasters panel and had the following to say. “They brought a lot of enthusiasm to the Para-Con,” said Buege, “you could tell they were really passionate about the subjects that they talked about.”

For those looking to become active in the paranormal investigation scene in Milwaukee Jornlin recommends getting involved. “There are tons of groups and organizations for people to join” said Jornlin. For those who are interested in learning more but not looking to join an investigation group Jornlin runs a Facebook page called paranormalMKE. Here she shares posts about stories throughout the city. People with an interest in History might find they have a special knack for this field of research. “History is for everyone, it’s not all dry dates” said Jornlin. If one is interested in history there are many opportunities to investigate and discover what has happened in your city.

Jornlin is a fourth grade teacher by day and a paranormal investigator by night. A well-known fact by many of her students who often try to tag along on ghost hunts. However, one must maintain a balance between ghost hunting and teaching. When asked during a previous interview with Marc Nobleman if she ghost-hunts on school nights Jornlin valued sleep. “No, teachers need their sleep” said Jornlin, “Ghost hunting usually requires staying up very late, so during the school year I save it for Fridays and Saturdays.” 

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

The American Stonehenge

Hey Friends,

Today I want to talk about something seriously bizarre. Some things seem stranger than fiction and are cloaked in mystery. The Georgia Guidestones are certainly fall into this category. What makes the Georgia Guidestones so odd you might ask? To answer that question we need to take a look into the monument's history.

The story goes as follows. Back in the summer of 1979 a man visited the office of Elberton Granite Furnishing Company, It was here that the man requested to build a monument reflecting a message to mankind. The stranger used a fake name and informed workers that he was representing a group that wished to remain anonymous. The group had been designing plans for the monument for over 2 years. To this day no one is quite sure who this man was or with which group he was established. However, the messages on the stones are truly chilling.

The Guidestones read the following:

1. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
2. Guide reproduction wisely - improving fitness and diversity.
3. Unite humanity with a living new language.
4. Rule passion - faith - tradition - and all things with tempered reason.
5. Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
6. Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
7. Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
8. Balance personal rights with social duties.
9. Prize truth - beauty - love - seeking harmony with the infinite.
10.Be not a cancer on the earth - Leave room for nature - Leave room for nature.

Now, any pure soul out there that hasn't dabbled in the world of conspiracy theories would probably read this and think "well, what the heck is that about"? Versus the rest of us who automatically have a red flag fly up as we scream "New World Order"! Whatever your thoughts might be it is undeniable that the messages on the stone are a bit unnerving. Sure, some of the ideas don't sound so bad, "leave room for nature, use tempered reason, improve fitness and diversity". Yeah, I could get used to this... but then there is rule numero uno... Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature. Well, I hate to be the bearer of bad news but we are far beyond this numeral topping off with a lovely population of 7,432,663,275 people to date.

These strange messages aren't the only thing the stones have to offer. There is also a time capsule buried within the monument to be opened on an unknown date. When I discovered this I couldn't help but draw a connection to the Denver International Airport. As many know the Denver airport is shrouded in conspiracy itself.  Consisting of gruesome tales of foreshadowing in it's murals and a terrifying blue horse which residents have affectionately taken to calling "blue-cifer". Are the time capsules just a coincidence? Possibly. However, Something about this is just a little too eerie.

Another strange thing researchers will find about the Guidestones is they are in perfect planetary alignment. Say what you will about astrology but there is something mystical beyond the stars that people may never truly understand. There is a hole drilled into the center of one of the stones allowing the North Star to be visualized on any given night.

I am still learning about the stones myself and am unable to accurately decode all of the secret messages they portray. However, I believe the most important thing is awareness. How is it I have been a resident of the U.S. for 24 years and never even knew this structure existed until now. Why is such a morbid, fear-inspiring monument still standing while many Americans are clueless of it's presence. I encourage anyone who might be reading this to do some research of their own. You don't have to agree with everything you find out there but what you do discover might be eye-opening.