Thursday, March 2, 2017

Hollow Earth

Greetings Fellow Fortean Lovers

    I know I haven't written in quite some time and I apologize! Life has been a busy lately and I've been neglecting my blog. Alas, today I'm feeling inspired and decided to break this nasty absence streak.
    The other day I was listening to a podcast and they were discussing the Hollow Earth Theory. I had heard ideas similar to this in the past but never gave them much thought. I still wouldn't say that I subscribe to this idea nevertheless it's still intriguing to think about!

    The thought of life underneath the Earth's surface isn't necessarily a new idea. Many religions outline the idea of a lifetime of everlasting torment taking place beneath the planet's crust. What makes this theory unique is the astounding curiosity of it all. Our tale begins with a former member of the military who was absolutely certain that the Earth is hollow, in fact he knew it was hollow because he had seen it himself.
    One day in pursuit of his certainty the man flew a plane to the North pole. However,  what he discovered wasn't the North pole at all, or at least not as we understand it. He described the tippy-top of our planet to be nothing like what we are taught. The landscape had no ice, in fact it was quite the opposite, green and full of life. Then disaster struck, the man's plane became out of control and he was in for a crash landing.
    Upon awakening he was greeted by two tall, blonde-haired humanoid-creatures. The foreign individuals guided him through their home, Agharta within the center of the Earth. All of the day's events were part of a bigger plan, they explained. The beings had caused his plane to crash in order to relay an important message. When he returned to the surface he had obtained new knowledge. The beings cautioned him of the dangers of nuclear warfare, warning that it would be the end human-kind.

    Some people claim to have come back from near death experiences with newfound knowledge thanks to a visit inside our 'hollow earth'. Take for instance  Dallas Thompson. Thompson survived a near fatal car crash back in 2002, what he experienced while unconscious is almost stranger than fiction. As described by an article on The Telegraph, Thomas said he saw a "light so bright that it burnt my eyes." It was this same light that made him legally blind. On top of his newfound ailment Thomas also felt he returned to life on Earth with an abundance of knowledge about the world suddenly poured into him. This was the beginning of Thompson's belief that our lovely blue planet is indeed hollow.
    Thompson was the subject of an interview on Coast to Coast AM with host Art Bell. During this interview Thompson suggested a quest to seek and research the Earth's hollow core. Believe it or not Thompson was able to acquire financing in support of his own unaccompanied journey back to inner layers of our Earth's core. This adventure is said to have taken place back in 2003 via helicopter.
    Word of mouth of Thompson's adventure began to spread and he gained supporters and nay-sayers alike. Thompson continued to make radio appearances and even released his own book. All seemed to be going well until one day he decided to pull his best selling book Cosmic Manuscript. According to The Telegraph  Thompson made the following statement, "I have requested the book be discontinued even though it's still at the top of the charts in Canada." Thompson was never heard from again, just like that he disappeared.

    This is only the tip of the iceburg. There are endless theories in support of the idea of a hollow Earth with different ideas of who inhibits the space and what it looks like. For example, some like to speculate the Nessie and other dino-like creatures are happily living out there days within the Earth's core. The possibilities are endless...

    If you want to do some more reading about Thompson here's the link to the article on The Telegraph:

Stay Curious my Friends!